Wednesday 29 February 2012

New solution?

We thought we had solved the ending to our film opening but we have found that the ending doesn't really fit with the rest of the opening. We held a little discussion to ask if any of our peers had any ideas on how to improve the last 30 seconds or so of our film opening. Here is a brainstorm of the ideas they came up with:

Monday 27 February 2012

The latest

Here is the latest copy of our film opening, as you can see we have added a scene at the end with the girl on the bike being chased by an unknown character, this adds suspense to the opening. Therefore creating a twist to the film opening however we are thinking of re-doing this last scene as its a bit choppy and not exactly how we wanted it to be.

We also have done a sample production company that we are adding to the beginning of our film opening:

Sunday 26 February 2012

Seven Deadly Questions

Here is mine and Elisha's answer to question one of the seven deadly questions in a simple Prezi:

Thursday 23 February 2012

Production company

After school today we started making our film production company logo/slogan.
It's still in the making but here's what we've got so far

Sunday 19 February 2012

Section B

Here is my section B half term work done. Enjoy!

Thursday 16 February 2012

The Truman show

I must say that the whole concept of the film is amazing. To think he is the only real thing in his entire life is ridiculous. The whole concept of the film is verging on George Orwell's novel "nineteen-eighty-four". The way that it is filmed is very clever as it's a programme within a film and therefore if you see any film set e.g a boom or a microphone nothing is taken from the verisimilitude of the film. I think one of my favourite shots is when Truman is in his car and it's as if the audience is in the radio as oppose to just being in the car generally. This not only enhances the realism of the film but also allows the audience to imagine themselves in the car with Truman. This film is also clever in the sense of how, in one scene, the audience is shown how the director sets the perfect scene to get the emotions e wants from Truman. A great film would advise all to watch.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Half term work

I'm currently doing Miss Fosters half term work and decided to vlog about my progress so far...

Thursday 9 February 2012

Blu ray... the new dvd?

I have been wondering, for some time now, about how quickly things have changed, technology wise, in the last decade. Especially in the distibution side, i remember when videos had to be re-wound to the beginning and then came the dvd which was a complete revolution, easy to use and in smaller cases when compared to the brick like videos. Now Blu-rays have been introduced and it seems that everything has to be replaced for a better quality. So, i was looking at the Guardian website and found this interesting article all about the change from blu-ray to dvd.

Flipping a Clip

We recently found that a couple of the shots in our film opening break the 180 degree rule and we decided that instead of re-filming these shots again we would try and flip the clip around. Once we figured this out we screen filmed the process of flipping a clip around in imovies:

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Double Vlog

Here is a quick update vlog on how things are currently going;

Tuesday 7 February 2012


Within Section B there are several key terms that must be learnt off by heart. These are just three them, along with there definitions:

Production: Making films

Distribution: Getting the films into the cinema and onto dvds and blue rays as well as related media products

Consumption: People buying tickets for the cinema, dvds, blue rays, downloading and buying the films online.

Film Drafts

We haven't uploaded a second draft of our film opening yet and a lot has changed since our last upload:

This is our second draft and a lot has changed in between each draft such as adding a bell that is synchronous to the backing music. We then decided to cut this as it made the opening look too much like a music video.

We also have made several changes to the ordering of shots, as well as this we have changed the types of shots we have used, which therefore creating a more layered and bulked up film opening. We have also made adjustments to the sound as in the first draft non-digetic music is used with the diegtic sound of the bike going through leaves ect. We have still got the non-digetic music but cut the sounds of the bike, although this reduces the verisimilitude of the opening, it gives the audience the impression that the girl is completely blocked out from her surroundings.

TV Drama presentation

We did our presentations today and feed back was good, i think if we put in even more detail into the presentation and added more technical terminology the overall outcome would have been better. However i am happy with the overall feedback given from both peers and Mrs Fitzjohn.

Sunday 5 February 2012

City of God

My first impression before watching it was very sceptical. I think what put me off was that it was in Portuguese and I didn't much like the idea of reading a film as oppose to watching it. However I was completely wrong to judge it by this and I think that if it were in English it would not have the same affect. The way in which the story is told is also really clever and unique and the way in which photography is entwined into the whole story creates a sense of verisimilitude which I really enjoyed.
I would definitely recommend it and would advise not to let the subtitles put you off. It seems strange reading them at first but after 5 minutes its hardly noticeable, a must see.


Am so happy that we managed to film today, especially due to all the snow! although Sophie couldn't come it went really well, Apologies now for the squint and constant shaking of the camera it would balace on my window ledge!

Wednesday 1 February 2012


Today me and Elisha went filming and we both did vlogs on how we think we are doing: