Tuesday 17 April 2012


Over the Easter holidays I have been creating a little presentation to help with my revision for Section B of our exam. I decided to create a prezi as its a simple and effective way of revision as not only do you revise whilst making them but they're easy to watch once complete.Within the prezi, I have focused on the production company "Working Title Productions" and have done a little research on several of their films including; Hot Fuzz, Four weddings and a Funeral and Bridget Jones' Diary. Providing mainly the films profit and whether or not it has won any awards. This is key to helping back up arguements i can make within the exam as with the use of facts and figures my argument will appear more realistic and knowledgeable than otherwise.

The presentation was just personal revision and with the four practice exam questions we also had to complete, it asn't an easy load. I did find one of the question particularly tricky but after researching and plowing through all four were completed. A very happy moment i can assure you... the evidence is as shown to the left.

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