Thursday, 13 October 2011

Binary Oppostions

One of the things that we looked at during our lesson today with Mrs Fitzjohn was Binary opposites. These are things like :
On  vs  Off
Hot  vs  Cold
We related this to how gender is represented during T.V. We also determined alot of gender specific sterotypical binary opposites, a few examples are:
Female:                      Male:
Passive                      Aggressive
Delicate                     Rough
Introvert                    Extrovert

As well as the above we looked at another clip in preparation for our exam and looked at the different Camera angels, Mise en scene, Sound and Editing techniques that the clip included. The clip in todays episode was from "Cutting", it was very different  to the clip we viewed last week which was a cooking programme and it just goes to show how much the genre of the T.V programme effects the techniques used within it.

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