Saturday 29 October 2011


I watched the film 'seven' the other day with Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt. Such a good film and the opening titles although a bit disturbing have some really good techniques, maybe Mac 2 would find it useful seen as though they're doing a psychological film opening!

Thursday 20 October 2011

Pitching and planning

Our lesson today consisted of pitching our ideas to each other and getting feed back from the rest of the class. Here is a picture of the notes Elisha wrote out, I see them as the starting brick for our film and I can't wait to start storyboarding ideas!

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Vlog number two

Seen as though we are meant to be vloging at least once a week i thought i would attempt vlog number two, i am apologising in advance for the excess stuttering!

Tuesday 18 October 2011


Sorry that i wasn't in the lesson today but i love what the rest of the group have done during the lesson. The ideas are great and think we should pitch them all if evryone is okay with that and im actually so pleased you made this video because now i know what the three of you have been doing in the lesson!

Facebook Conversation

We decided to make a facebook inbox to talk about our ideas on film openings and other media related topics, so far these are the ideas we have got!

Our Facebook ideas conversation

Saturday 15 October 2011

Brain Storming

In our latest lesson we have been discussing different genres in which we should base our film openings on. I personally wish to stear away from the genre horror as it seems to common and i would rather do a more unique film opening and not fall into the trap of making a 2 minute film. However if it was our last option then i would not refuse to take part.
We have been talking about doing something vintage but i am not too sure as to were that could lead to and how we could describe the entire film in 25 words on the basis of vintage. On the other hand it has opend an entire can of worms on camera angles and ideas of shots for a vintage film opening within my mind.

Thursday 13 October 2011


This is the first post that I am sending from my iPod. Hope it works!

Binary Oppostions

One of the things that we looked at during our lesson today with Mrs Fitzjohn was Binary opposites. These are things like :
On  vs  Off
Hot  vs  Cold
We related this to how gender is represented during T.V. We also determined alot of gender specific sterotypical binary opposites, a few examples are:
Female:                      Male:
Passive                      Aggressive
Delicate                     Rough
Introvert                    Extrovert

As well as the above we looked at another clip in preparation for our exam and looked at the different Camera angels, Mise en scene, Sound and Editing techniques that the clip included. The clip in todays episode was from "Cutting", it was very different  to the clip we viewed last week which was a cooking programme and it just goes to show how much the genre of the T.V programme effects the techniques used within it.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

First Evaluation Vlog

This is a little snip of what we have been doing so far... The beginning has been cut of but it basically introduces that i'm doing AS media and that we have started looking at camera angles ect.

Monday 10 October 2011

Pete's Blog

Found that the examiner, Pete has posted a really interesting post about pitching a film idea in no more than 25 words. Wondered if when our films are finished we would be able to do this.
His blog can be viewed in my "extra websites" section if you wanted to check it out.

Sunday 9 October 2011


We finished editing both our outtakes from our preliminary exercise as well as our first practice film using the flip. We found both to be very amusing to film, but even funnier to edit.

Wednesday 5 October 2011


Whilst working on my prezi for Mrs Fitzjohn, i came across this video which i thought would come in handy when filming.

Camera shots, Angle, Movement and Composition

This is my presentation of the different types of Camera shots, Angles, Movements and Compostions for Mrs Fitzjohn's lesson. I hope it is useful.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Finished Prelim

This is our fisrt piece of media work, fully edited and complete. Filming went really well and I think the editing went well too but there're parts were it could have gone smoother. I think that we included some really good camera angles and stuck to the 180 degree rule, it would have been better if we had gotten more shots like maybe a birds eye view shot or even attempted to track when sophie walked through the door. We didnt pay too much to the mise en scene which didn't effect the prelim too much because after all it is our first piece of work, however in future films I think that we should take extra care and pay more attention to our surroundings.

Sunday 2 October 2011

I was watching "Angus, thongs and perfect snogging" the other day and found the opening to be really good. There're some really interesting camera angles and i especially liked this one shot were the female charcter is running in an olive costume between two old people, its from a birds eye view angle and i thought it was a really clever idea for a shot.