Thursday, 29 September 2011


We started editing our preliminary exercise and already it is coming along really well, we just need to sort out the last shot. Not really sure how we could end it so will be looking through the old preliminary's that have been done by the year above for some inspiration.
We will also be doing an out-take preliminary exercise and this should be very entertianing indeed, excited to pick different transitions to go with the ridiculous out-takes!

Tuesday, 27 September 2011


It's official, we have made media groups and our group has already done our prelim. I think we got a few good angles in ours i just hope that when we come to editing things Sophie has kept her arm in the same place! Other than that i don't think we came across any problems but am excited to start editing on Mac 1! The software looks simple but then again looks can be deceiving...

Monday, 26 September 2011


Tommorow we will be doing our prliminary exercise and although it is not being marked the nerves are still building up.A few ideas have come to mind as to some dialogue but my main concern is getting the transitions to run smoothly and hopefully i wont embarrass myself this early on in the course. Here are a couple examples of the preliminary tasks done last year...


Match on action: Is an example of continuity editing which allows the audience to know exactly what is going on in a particular scene. Match on action can also be when an action starts in shot 1 and finishes in shot 2 or the action in shot 1 is mirrored in shot 2.
Shot reverse shot: is a technique where one character is shown looking at another character, and then the other character is shown looking back at the first character.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

ECS as and A2 Media Studies Course Booklet

Exam board Criteria

In our lesson today we looked at the exam board for our entire media course. Looking really good so far and I can't wait to get stuck. Also learnt a few new websites that I am sure will prove of use in the near future, especially Scribd and Wordle. I will attempt to embed the Student study course booklet into my blog so that I can constantly keep reffering back to it whilst progressing with the course.
I have just finished watching Doctor Who (I know, I know but there's a child in all of us) and found an amazing camera angled shot in which a women is dropping some paper. But not only do you see the paper slip out of her hand from a high angle, as the paper falls to the ground the speed alters to a slow motion dramatic fall. It was really impressive and I loved the way the paper gracefully hit the floor in this slow motion shot.

Monday, 19 September 2011


In our latest lesson we have been looking at a few shorts films that have been produced by other schools. I found that all though a few did contain some really good camera shots, the majority were two minute films as oppose to a two minute opening of a film. This got me thinking about the opening i'll be making in the near future and how not to make a two minute film but the opening instead. Will have to find some good techniques and soon...

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Assignment One

So our first real assingment for our media course is to learn all of the key terms in the film clip below by next lesson....
Piece of cake.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011